facebook phone number
facebook phone number


Facebook Help Center


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Add a mobile phone number

Add or remove a mobile phone number from your Facebook account · 1. Tap in the top right of Facebook. · 2. Tap Settings, Settings & privacy, then tap Settings.

Add or remove a mobile phone number from your ...

Add or remove a mobile phone number from your Facebook account · 1. Tap in the top right of Facebook. · 2. Tap Settings and privacy, then tap Settings. · 3. Tap ...

Facebook Customer Service Phone Number (650) 543

Customer Service: · +6 128 234 7020. Australia · +1 647 426 6051. Canada · +91 894 803 3470. India · +3 531 553 0588. Ireland · +44 203 386 6000. United Kingdom ...

Facebook Help Center

Facebook may use your phone number to help you log in, keep your account safe, help sugges. How do I display or hide the phone confirmation badge?

How does Facebook use my mobile phone number?

Facebook may use your phone number to help you log in, keep your account safe, help suggest People You May Know and more.

How to Contact Facebook for Problems With Your Account

2023年9月19日 — If you dial either of the Palo Alto-area phone numbers for the social media mega platform, (those are 650-543-4800 and 650-308-7300, for the ...

How to Contact Facebook

2024年5月2日 — Meta's only phone number, which includes Facebook, Instagram, and Oculus, is 650-543-4800. If you call that number and choose the option for ...

Is There a Phone Number to Facebook?

2024年3月4日 — Important note: The operating hours of Facebook customer support are 24/7 +1 (650) 774-4801 / 1 (855) 879-3967 to provide help to Facebook users ...


AddorremoveamobilephonenumberfromyourFacebookaccount·1.TapinthetoprightofFacebook.·2.TapSettings,Settings&privacy,thentapSettings.,AddorremoveamobilephonenumberfromyourFacebookaccount·1.TapinthetoprightofFacebook.·2.TapSettingsandprivacy,thentapSettings.·3.Tap ...,CustomerService:·+61282347020.Australia·+16474266051.Canada·+918948033470.India·+35315530588.Ireland·+442033866000.UnitedKingdo...


